Inter-Continental Trading USA Inc.’s Au Naturall’e filtered cigars offer higher margins.

CHICAGO – Premium products may comprise only a fraction of the little cigar market, but profit margins can be 8-10 times greater than that of value brands. With the proper mix between higher-priced and economy-level products, retailers can maximize filtered cigar category profits without increasing rack space.

OHM Au Naturall’e additive and preservative-free filtered cigars from Inter-Continental Trading USA offer c-stores a serious boost to sagging tobacco margins.

“While the filtered cigar segment continues to perform well,” said Shargio Patel, President of Inter-Continental Trading USA Inc., “there is a missed opportunity with higher-margin, premium brands. When it comes to all-natural products, consumers are willing to spend a little extra, and Au Naturall’e Filtered Cigars offer retailers a better return on those few inches of space.”

Made in the USA, and available in four flavors—Red, (full-flavor), Gold, (mild), Perique, (spicy Louisiana Perique blend), and Menthol—Au Naturall’e Filtered Cigars are ideal for retailers looking for a premium, yet accessible line that meets the growing trend for natural products. Au Naturall’e Filtered Cigars are made from only the highest-quality, preservative, and additive-free Golden Virginia tobacco blends.